All benefits are forever! Just one Activation!
Adrenaline - For each killed enemy you get +15 Adrenaline. Normal player 5
Sentry gun - You can build Sentry gun with powerful damage
Speed - You will have +5% Speed for faster as other
Money - For every your death get bonus +1500$. Normal player $500
Health - You get instant +10 HP for every kill your enemies
Respawn - After your death you will born much faster. 5 seconds
Immortality - Every your respawn you get longer Immortality +2 sec
Laser Mine - Every round start you get always Laser-Mine (preview here)
Status - You will have VIP status before the name in chat (preview here)
Admin práva - Můžeš požádat o práva na serveru a stát se Adminem
Další výhody - A navíc spousta výhod, které zde nejsou uvedeny + další připravujeme