All benefits are forever! Just one Activation!
+15 points - For each killed Enemy get +15 points. Normal player 2
+2 points - For each slap supervisor get +2 points. Normal player 1
Suit Up - You can look like a supervisor and no one knows. And get M4
Invisible - With invisibility you can easily slip into the armory
Deagle - You can always buy a Desert Eagle and kill all guard
Flashlight - You will have Flashlight and see all in the dark
Free Day - You can take a free day and gain complete freedom
Weapons - Like a supervisor you have a menu with some weapons
Shop - Supervisor have in shop 200% kevlar, 150% health, fast move
Moves - You can do all movers in your menu and for supervisor too
Status - You will have VIP status before the name in chat (preview here)
Admin práva - Můžeš požádat o práva na serveru a stát se Adminem
Další výhody - A navíc spousta výhod, které zde nejsou uvedeny + další připravujeme