All benefits are forever! Just one Activation!
Player skin - Special player skin, which everyone will envy you (preview here)
Money - For each kill enemy you get +4$. Normal player +2$
New Knives - You can take in shop special knives for VIP
Trail - You can set Trail effect for your character
Glow - You can take Glow effect and your char will shine
BunnyHop - You can take BunnyHop for awesome speed
Gravity - You can less your Gravity and jumping over the map
SuperWeapon - You can take Super Weapon and give great damage
Invisibility - You can take Invisibility and enemies not see
Suit Up - You can look like a supervisor and no one knows.
Status - You will have VIP status before the name in chat (preview here)
Slot - Reservation slot on the server! You can connect everytime
Vote - In the vote on other map, your vote will have a double value
Chat - Type /vips to the chat and see yourself among online VIP players
Unban - When you get ban for some reason, you can get Unban
Admin práva - Můžeš požádat o práva na serveru a stát se Adminem
Další výhody - A navíc spousta výhod, které zde nejsou uvedeny + další připravujeme