AWP Zdarma - You can take anytime AWP+Deagle for free |
AWP Limit - You can use the AWP at any time without limit |
Pokemon - You can carry 6 active pokemon and 18 saved |
MasterBall - You can use MasterBall for catch any Pokemon |
Backpack - Your bag will have +50% more space for articles |
More XP - You got +45% more XP for kill or plant/defuse bomb |
Watching - After death you can watch the opponent team |
Advert - In the settings you can use block advertisment |
Laser Mine
- Every round start you get always Laser-Mine (preview here)
New Weapons
- You will get a new look weapons that no one (preview here)
Settings - Dont like some benefits? Can disable/enabled it in the menu |
- You will have VIP status before the name in chat (hide here)
Admin práva - Můžeš požádat o práva na serveru a stát se Adminem |
Další výhody - A navíc spousta výhod, které zde nejsou uvedeny + další připravujeme |