Player skin
- Special player skin, which everyone will envy you (preview here)
+40 points - For each killed Zombie you get +40 points. Normal player only 1 |
Bazooka - You can buy a Bazooka, which kill Zombie in one shot |
Minigun - You can use the Minigun, which is efficient and fast shooting |
Speargun - You can use the Speargun, which shooting explosion arrow |
Infect bomb - Like a Zombie you can use Infect Bomb and infect all live humans |
Damage - Hit on the enemy show you damage and even through the walls |
Slot - Reservation slot on the server! You can connect everytime |
Vote - In the vote on other map, your vote will have a double value |
Chat - Type /vips to the chat and see yourself among online VIP players |
Unban - When you get ban for some reason, you can get Unban |
ExtraVIP - You can become ExtraVIP player and get more great benefits |
Admin práva - Můžeš požádat o práva na serveru a stát se Adminem |
Další výhody - A navíc spousta výhod, které zde nejsou uvedeny + další připravujeme |